50 Ways to Help the Planet

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Earth Hour 2011 was just a couple of weeks back, and while there was a lot of buzz about saving the environment on March 26 itself, it seems to me that we need to get the whole "Let's-Save-The-Environment" mindset to the level of a lifetime commitment.

And no, you don't have to do grandiose things, like organizing charities to save the Earth, or putting together marathons or something. It's really the little things that count.

So here's an interesting website I checked out today, thanks to a link shared on Facebook. Check it out, you might actually reconsider a few new habits with this.

50 Ways to Help the Planet

Kudos to the guys of Wine & Twine for a very informative piece online. Well done, guys!

Renzie Returns to Renzie Baluyut Online

Saturday, December 26, 2009

great to be back here on the blog that started it all, with Renzie Baluyut.

Wow. My last post on this blog had been some fifteen months ago. Has it really been that long? Actually, now that I realize it, it's more like- holy shit, I can't believe I've left this blog idle for so damn long!

At any rate, it's great to be back. So much has happened since then, and in a way, this makes for a great opportunity to look back on the year that was. Well, fifteen months exactly, as far as this particular blog is concerned.

So what's new? What's been going on with me since then? Let me get into that in a bit. Here are a few things I've realized though, just this year.

1. Well, for starters, I've come to the conclusion that whatever it is I end up doing, I'm very much a marketing guy. I acknowledged that fact just a few months back- everything I get myself into is really all about marketing.

It started out from my days in radio, yes. But since then, that passion for marketing has spilled into my blogging, social media usage, my freelance work, my consultancy projects- and even in the various business ventures I've been recently involved in.

And it's both traditional marketing *and* internet marketing. I still believe that proper (read: effective) marketing is really in the way you put together the best possible marketing mix. Not just using one channel to the exclusion of all else.

2. I've embraced the entrepreneurial lifestyle. I've gone from employed to freelancer to work-at-home, and finally as a business owner/business partner. There's a totally different state of mind unique to each one- but I'm most comfortable working for myself.

I don't mind putting in all the hours of work beyond the normal 8-hour workday, as long as I know that all that effort goes into my own thing rather than somebody else's company. I love the whole sense of ownership, the challenges that come with it, and knowing that in the end, you are rewarded for all the hard work you put in.

3. I gotta think about the future. Yes, I have to have a grand strategy approach- knowing exactly where I want to be in, say, 5 or 10 years, and working towards it. With that, is the constant need to build myself up- a mix of brand-building, productivity and work/life balance.

Hey man, I'm in my mid-30's, and not only do I have this pressing need to get the most out of my remaining good years, I also have this little voice inside of me nudging me on to get things done and have something to show for it. The push, I'd say, generally does me good. Keeps me on my toes, it gives me a sense of urgency, and in the end, it's really for my personal betterment.

On my next post, I'll be going through all the awesome stuff I've been going through this whole year. Until then.

Cheers, everyone!

7 Websites For Finding Property in the Philippines

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Philippine real estate online, with Renzie Baluyut.

As a relative newcomer in the Philippine real estate circle (yes, I'm a noob.), research plays an important part in my development.

The internet holds so much free and reliable information on just about anything, including properties in Metro Manila, as well as all over the Philippines.

You have all sorts of Philippine properties online as well- houses and lots, condominiums, apartments, foreclosed properties, beachfront properties, gated communities, office spaces, commercial properties and buildings of all kinds, even club memberships, and vacation resort memberships.

Personally, I'm in the market for a couple of Metro Manila properties. I'd have to go for something rent-to-own, rather than something just for rent, or for sale, but that's just my preference.

Let me share with you seven websites that have a fairly good selection of properties for rent, sale, or for lease not only in Metro Manila, but also in other parts of the country:

  • AyosDito.ph. AyosDito.ph sells all kinds of things, from cars, to personal effects, to even gadgets and electronics. Of course, they have a fairly extensive listing of properties in the Philippines, organized according to region, so you can browse through all kinds of condos, apartments and houses depending on what province you're going for.
  • MoveInTheCity.com. While MoveInTheCity.com seems more like a directory for transients and all sorts of accomodations and rooms for rent, it also has a good listing of all kinds of properties, not just in Metro Manila, but in other key cities around the country including Cebu, Baguio, Davao, etc.
  • Sulit.com.ph. Sulit.com.ph is another free online classified ads site for the Philippine market. What I do like about the site is that it keeps track of the ads you have recently browsed through so you can easily come back to them on your next visit.
  • Classifiedsph.com. Another free online ads service. I haven't personally had the chance to browse through this site yet, but right off the bat, you could see the most recent ads put up, from property to concert tickets, to vehicles for sale- pretty much everything you can expect to see in a classified ads service.
  • FindProperty.ph. On the plus side, everything on FindProperty.ph is all real estate- apartments, houses, condominiums, commercial properties, etc. You can easily navigate properties by location, if you're either buying or selling, or if you're even looking for timeshares or foreclosed properties.
  • Bahay.ph. Aside from being the real estate-oriented free online classifieds, bahay.ph also puts the spotlight on real estate agents and brokers. You can even leave messages for these agents and brokers, if that's the way you want to play.
  • iProperty.com.ph. Another online directory for real estate agents and brokers and all kinds of Philippine properties. It has a listing of the most popular properties, as well as the most sought after agents and brokers, on top of the usual most recent listings, quick location searches, and others.
Do you have your own favorite Philippine real estate websites as well? Please, do share.

Our next post will be top-of-mind real estate developers in the Philippines and Metro Manila.

Cheers, everyone!

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