How Much Cash Do Bloggers Make From Blogging?
Monday, December 3, 2007
Remember just a few months ago how we had a couple of workshops on Blogging For Money? The idea really was to show our participants how to make extra cash by putting in a few hours a day churning out a few posts on a blog worthy of attention.
Yes, you can blog for money. Some locals actually have gone completely professional, and have foregone a regular job to do just that: blogging.The real question is, how? How can you make money from your blog?
The answer to this seemingly very important question can easily elude the amateur blogger. And while most blogs are really a labor of love more than anything else, it doesn't really matter to a lot of people if they make cash or not.
Read the rest of this article here on my other blog, "Renzie on Blogging".
Cheers, everyone!
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