Learning to Use RSS
Monday, December 3, 2007
If you're going to be a blogger, RSS is going to be your new BFF.That's really simple syndication for RSS, and best friend forever- at least until the next great new syndication technology comes along.
In any case, as a new blogger, you're probably checking out websites and other blogs for new content. After all, you do need to draw inspiration from someplace, right? You'd like to see what other people are talking about, have your own perspective on things, and react to what other people have to say.
In the course of your meanderings through the internet, you would most definitely find a couple of sites that you would find more interesting than others- new favorites that you would usually then add up to your bookmarks.
Now it used to be that you would have to visit and re-visit your favorite bookmarked sites to get updates on new stuff they have posted up, right? And a lot of us actually still do that.
But if you have a LOT of favorite sites, and a LOT of stuff you want to keep tabs on, then keeping yourself updated can get a little tedious, done this way.
You might even miss an important update, and it can take you the whole day to check out all those sites- assuming of course, you even have the time to do all that checking!
RSS helps you out with that- and to know more about how RSS can help you build a better blog, or how it can save you lots of time keeping up on all your favorite sites, read about the rest of my post on my other blog, "Renzie on Blogging".
Cheers, everyone!
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