Trinoma, and The Hundred Hungry Bloggers.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Renzie's Note: The TriNoma Bloggers' Food Tour finally pushed through on 09 January 2008. One-hundred fifty bloggers were invited- and with an invitation to eat the best TriNoma has to offer + win some prizes- how could you say 'no' to that, huh?
Read up on my blow-by-blow coverage starting here. You can also check out Food Tour pics here on my Multiply, and read another of my write-ups here.
The Trinoma Food Tour kicks off in a couple of days, and already the local blogosphere is abuzz with promises of real-life networking coupled with feats of rampant and wanton gluttony.OK, so maybe I'm exaggerating.
But did make the announcement last week, and one hundred brave bloggers answered the call- already licking their chops, readying their gear and doing some preliminary networking with the others.
The destination: TriNoma- that swank new mall at the corner of EDSA and Quezon Avenue. To be completely honest, I've never been there myself, and I suppose this Food Tour would be the perfect opportunity for me to check it out.
Are You On The List?
The Food Tour happens on Thursday, 13 December, at 2-ish in the afternoon. As you would probably expect, the invitations were snapped up like hotcakes, as bloggers were required to register beforehand with
Special thanks to Ms. Noemi for giving me an early heads-up- I think I was the 45th person to have made it on the list. If for some reason you've submitted your details to Yehey, but haven't been contacted yet, it's probably worth your while to check if you're on it. Have a quick look the list The Hundred Hungry Bloggers here, or maybe you can give Yehey! a quick call, just to make sure.
I've actually been in touch with a few who have submitted their details but haven't received their confirmation emails yet. But that was a few days ago, and I'm sure Yehey has been able to straighten things out by now.
What's The Plan, Stan?
Quite an ambitious feat, I would imagine, for Yehey to keep the bloggers organized for the duration of the event. Check out Trinoma's participating restos here.
All bloggers have to register when they get to TriNoma on Thursday. They will then be grouped into five "expedition parties"; each group (of 20 bloggers) being marshalled by a Yehey! rep, and then led to one of five food areas to check out.
Each group has 30 minutes to sample as much as they can from the food merchants in the designated area before moving on to the next area. Eventually, all groups will have tried out all the food 'zones', and be totally stuffed out of their mind.
Dude, that's two-and-a-half hours worth of eating. You move to a merchant, eat some, then move to another, and eat again, and keep on doing that for 150 minutes.
The event will be capped off by cocktails, a raffle, and swag bags for everyone.
Things To Do at the TriNoma Food Tour.
Just a little heads up for all those attending- more than being just a massive food treat from the good guys of TriNoma and Yehey, the Food Tour is a great time to do some real-life networking, not just with fellow bloggers, but also with potential clients from the food merchants.
Take lots of pictures, and take down a lot of notes, maybe even blogging on the fly. There's sure to be whole bunch of things to write about.
If you feel like doing a little homework, get to know some of your fellow bloggers beforehand- especially you share common interests with. Trade contact details, swap stories, and exchange those very valuable links to each others' sites!
That being said, I will see all you other ninety-nine chicks and dudes at the Food Tour. Let's eat, drink, be merry and blog all about it!
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